Bitcoin permissible under Shariah law says Indonesian scholar |

Bitcoin permissible under Shariah law says Indonesian scholar

While crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have been around for years, they have recently been the talk of the media because of their dramatic increase in monetary value.

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Interesting… …are we seeing profit being put before prophet?

Possibly an early volte face from some quarters if this were the case as, did we not read in early 2018, that at least the Egyptians, Saudis, Turks, Lebanese and Indians were all officially frowning on Bitcoin, this despite all the intrinsic similarities between it and the practice of Hawala banking which they accept.

Perhaps this Indonesian scholar knows something yet to be revealed, especially as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Brunei, Qatar, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Mauritania all apply the Sharia code predominantly entirely and that it is also applied in some parts of Indonesia…