I would like to give a try to stock market (maybe with 300-400 USD) but this trifling sum can work effectively only in publicly funded account with big capitalization and professional fund manager. Can you name any broker or website which offers PAMM’s for stock trading?
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean unit investment trust? or Exchange traded funds. I think best option for you would be UIT because their primary instruments are bonds and stocks of first-echelon companies such as Apple and Intel…
Take a look at Ameritrade. I think they offer exactly what you need, though not sure. Trading personally seems to be more promising for me…
Stocks is less speculated market than forex, because of slack and smooth volatility. There is no much sense to scalp, long-term positions are most preferable way to trade there. I can refer to hedge and investments funds in terms of similarity to forex Pamm’s, but if you are aiming on gaining personal trading knowledge than try to find the investing target yourself.
Stocks don’t need to be highly volatile because best part of investors using capitals over 10K that’s why seeking profit in a form of interest or dividents. But sometimes, especially during controversial news or rumors stocks of some company may experience jump in price.
You’d better to try brokers that offer CFD PAMMs, for example there are traders who speculate on apple stocks not directly dealing with them, but trading futures or options. This option is available on many brokers feel free to try any of them, mine Hotforex for example…